Our Awards
The Golden Rule Character Awards
The Golden Rule Character Awards program is designed to have a positive influence on the character of children and youth by promoting The Golden Rule Character Law, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Simply stated; "What you do to others will come back to you."
Monthly award winners receive $50 cash, a t-shirt, a bumper sticker, a certificate of accomplishment, and have their name inscribed on a permanent plaque displayed in the entrance of the school.
Golden Rule and the Law of Life
The program is organized around the belief that if all people understand the Law of Life, they will make every effort to avoid hurting others, given the realization that in hurting others, they bring hurt upon themselves. By contrast, they would realize that by helping others, they bring good into their own lives. This simple rule, if understood and applied, could eliminate the need for most of the prisons in this country.
This program has played an important role in helping local schools implement the state-mandated requirement (Section 20-2-145 of the Georgia State Code) that a character education program encompassing the following 27 positive character traits be taught in all Georgia public schools: respect for the creator, kindness, compassion, honesty, patriotism, citizenship, fairness, respect for others, cooperation, self-respect, self-control, courtesy, tolerance, diligence, generosity, punctuality, cleanliness, cheerfulness, school pride, patience, creativity, sportsmanship, loyalty, perseverance, virtue, respect for the environment, and courage.
These traits are embodied within The Golden Rule.

Monthly award winners receive $50 cash, a t-shirt, a bumper sticker, a certificate of accomplishment, and have their name inscribed on a permanent plaque displayed in the entrance of the school.
Award Winners
Glynn County
The Katz-Helen and Ray Whittle, Jr. Foundation hosts the Character Awards program scholarships throughout the elementary, middle, and high schools in Glynn County.
McIntosh County
The Katz-Helen and Ray Whittle, Jr. Foundation hosts the Character Awards program scholarships throughout the elementary, middle, and high schools in McIntosh County.
At the close of each school year, the monthly winners from each school in Glynn and McIntosh counties are invited with their families and friends to a celebration ceremony.
During the ceremony, each student is introduced and receives a certificate of accomplishment and $50 cash. One student is recognized as Golden Rule Character Student of the Year from each of the three school divisions – elementary, middle, and high school – and receives a cash award. Seniors from each high school are selected and recognized as Golden Rule Character Award winners and receive cash gifts.
The Don and Marjorie Varnadoe Paragon Award is given to an educator in Glynn and McIntosh County schools who does an exemplary job of teaching, encouraging, nurturing, and living The Golden Rule Law of Life. The Golden Rule Staff Award is given to a non-certified staff member from each system who does an exemplary job of living and demonstrating The Golden Rule Law of Life character ideals in the school setting.
At the close of the ceremony, all students, families, and friends are invited to a reception in honor of all winners.